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make to a rpm file



    make-plugins:将插件插入到您的Makefile中不会重新发明轮子。 例如如何将您的项目打包到RPM

    -include make-rpm.mk 然后调用“ make mkplugin”进行下载。 (如果喜欢)git add mkplugin.mk && git commit mkplugin.mk && git push 它可以做什么的一些例子 从当前工作目录中的内容创建rpm make rpm spec...


    make your program, CheckInstall will run make install (or whatever you tell it to run) and keep track of every file modified by this installation, using the excelent installwatch utility written by ...


    iconv -f fromEncoding -t toEncoding inputFile > outputFile creates a new from the given input file by assuming it is encoded in fromEncoding and converting it to toEncoding. find . -maxdepth 1 -name ...

    Docker Containers_Build and Deploy with Kubernetes,Flannel,Cockpit,and Atomic

    These qualities include how Docker uses name spaces, metadata, and separate file systems to both manage and secure containerized applications. To get started, you don’t need to know anything about ...

    MySQL 4th Edition 第四版

    Moreover, security issues are addressed in a mere 18 pages, a large part of which is devoted to standard Unix file and network-access permissions. Next to nothing is mentioned about defense against ...


    make[5]: *** [libaccess_file_plugin_la-file.lo] Error 1 make[5]: Leaving directory `/root/lf/vlc-1.0.5/modules/access' make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[4]: Leaving directory `/root/lf/vlc-...


    -r, --to-rpm Generate a Red Hat rpm package. --to-slp Generate a Stampede slp package. -l, --to-lsb Generate a LSB package. -t, --to-tgz Generate a Slackware tgz package. Enables these ...

    bochs user manual 单html文件+pdf 英文原版

    8.2. How to make a simple disk image 8.2.1. Create a flat image 8.2.2. Partition and format your image file 8.3. Use mtools to manipulate disk images 8.4. Bochs GNU/Linux DiskTools 8.5. Win32 only: ...


     # Simple configuration file for xinetd  #  # Some defaults, and include /etc/xinetd.d/  defaults  {  instances = 60  log_type = SYSLOG authpriv  log_on_success = HOST PID  log_on_...

    tar.gz 和tar.bz2 详细解释

    至于file.src.rpm 的用法,请参见:《file.src.rpm 使用方法的简介》 2、如何编译安装源码包;(大多数) 1)解开软件包查看帮助文档; 我们解开一个包后,进入解压包,一般都能发现README(或reame)和INSTALL( ...

    Bochs - The cross platform IA-32 (x86) emulator

    - USB printer: output file creation failure now causes a disconnect - re-implemented "options" parameter for additional options of connected devices (currently only used to set the speed reported ...


    打包器-oraclelinux-ovf 使用virtualbox-ovf的打包... make clean将删除file.box make cleanall将删除file.box和从下载OVA packer_cache make removebox将从无业游民中删除箱子手动地packer build oraclelinux7.jsonc


    mke2fs(make ext2 file system) 143 mkfs.ext2 144 mkfs(make file system) 144 mkfs.minix 145 mkfs.msdos 145 mkinitrd(make initial ramdisk images) 145 mkisofs(make iso file system) 145 mkswap ...

    8-07-14_MegaCLI for linux_windows

    LSIP200232870 (DFCT) Add a Gen2 to Gen3 toggle function and a check for the PCI speed to MegaSCU/CLI [ PR : LSIP200231423 ] LSIP200232927 (DFCT) Port PR 198414 to MR5.4 (Headless Boot) ...

    Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide <>

    A Detailed Introduction to I/O and I/O Redirection F. Standard Command-Line Options G. Important Files H. Important System Directories I. Localization J. History Commands K. A Sample .bashrc File L. ...


    A Detailed Introduction to I/O and I/O Redirection F. Standard Command-Line Options G. Important Files H. Important System Directories I. Localization J. History Commands K. A Sample .bashrc File L. ...


    ext2load- load binary file from a Ext2 filesystem ext2ls – list files in a directory (default /) fatinfo – print information about filesystem fatload – load binary file from a dos filesystem fatls ...

    sysbench的安装与使用 分享


    centos 7.5 安装zabbix4.0

    `rpm -ivh &lt;https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.0/rhel/7/x86_64/zabbix-release-4.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm&gt;` `yum -y install zabbix-web-mysql` `egrep -v “^#|^$” /etc/php.ini` `max_execution_time = 300` `...

    bam-readcount:计算 BAM 文件中的 DNA 序列读数

    mkdir buildcd buildcmake ..make# Executable isbin/bam-readcount用法不带参数运行命令行帮助: $ bam-readcountUsage: bam-readcount [OPTIONS] &lt;bam&gt; [region]Generate metrics for bam_file at single ...

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